Weller Special Reserve Bourbon - 750ML
Weller Special Reserve Bourbon - 750ML
W.L. Weller Special Reserve Bourbon is a special reserve of wheated bourbon aged in New American white oak barrels. It is part of a highly coveted series of bourbons named after William Larue Weller, to commemorate his family's legacy. It is aged 7-8 years and is bottled at the award-winning Buffalo Trace Distillery. This splendid blend is crafted from a wheated mash bill, like other great blends such as Pappy Van Winkle, William Larue, and E.H.T Seasoned wood. It is a wheated mash of corn, malted barley, and wheat instead of rye. This bourbon is smooth and mellow with distinctive grainy notes, mingled with slight hints of sweet caramel. On the palate, you'll notice notes of honey, layered with butterscotch, and a soft woodiness. The finish is smooth with a sweet honeysuckle flair.