Dictador 2 Masters 1979/1982 Barton Straight Rye 750ml
Dictador 2 Masters 1979/1982 Barton Straight Rye 750ml
Dictador 2 Masters 1979/1982 Barton Straight Rye is a remarkable expression that bridges the worlds of fine rum and premium rye whiskey. Distilled in Colombia in 1979 and 1982, this aged rum underwent a unique finishing process in carefully selected straight rye whiskey barrels at the Barton 1792 Distillery in Kentucky. The result is a luxurious, multi-layered spirit, featuring notes of rich molasses, dried fruit, and dark chocolate, complemented by spicy undertones of rye, toasted oak, and vanilla. The finishing process enhances its complexity and provides a harmonious blend of sweetness and spice. Bottled at 750 ml, this rare release from the prestigious Dictador 2 Masters collection is a must-have for collectors and aficionados of exceptional spirits.