Dictador 2 Masters 1979/1982 Barton Wheated Bourbon 750ml
Dictador 2 Masters 1979/1982 Barton Wheated Bourbon 750ml
Dictador 2 Masters 1979/1982 Barton Wheated Bourbon is an extraordinary rum that combines the expertise of Colombian rum-making with the distinctive qualities of wheated bourbon. Distilled in 1979 and 1982, this rum was aged in Colombian casks before being finished in rare wheated bourbon barrels sourced from the Barton 1792 Distillery in Kentucky. This finishing process imparts a unique character to the rum, with rich notes of caramel, vanilla, and honey, alongside layers of toasted oak, dried fruit, and a gentle spice. The influence of the wheated bourbon adds a soft, smooth sweetness, giving the rum a rounded, complex flavor profile. Bottled at 750 ml, this limited-edition release from the Dictador 2 Masters collection is a collector’s gem, offering a refined, exceptional experience for connoisseurs of rare, aged spirits.