Plantation 20th Anniversary XO Rum 750 ml
Plantation 20th Anniversary XO Rum 750 ml
Plantation 20th Anniversary XO Rum is an exquisite expression of Caribbean craftsmanship, created to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Plantation brand. This rich and refined rum is a blend of aged rums from the Caribbean, primarily sourced from Barbados, which are carefully selected and finished in French oak casks that previously held cognac. The result is a complex and layered rum that offers deep aromas of caramelized sugar, dried fruit, and toasted oak, complemented by hints of vanilla, spice, and a delicate touch of dark chocolate. On the palate, it is velvety smooth, with a perfect balance of sweetness and rich, warm flavors of molasses, roasted nuts, and tropical fruits. The finish is long and silky, leaving a lasting impression of honeyed sweetness and a subtle oak influence. Bottled at 750 ml, Plantation 20th Anniversary XO Rum is a luxurious sipping rum that makes a perfect choice for special occasions, offering a memorable and indulgent experience.