Capurro Pisco Acholado 750ml
Capurro Pisco Acholado 750ml
Capurro Pisco Acholado (750ml)
Capurro Pisco Acholado is a masterfully crafted Peruvian spirit that combines a harmonious blend of aromatic and non-aromatic grape varietals. Distilled to perfection without additives, this Acholado style offers a balanced profile of floral, fruity, and slightly spicy notes. Its smooth texture and versatile flavor make it ideal for both sipping neat and creating iconic cocktails like the Pisco Sour.
With roots dating back to 1938, Capurro is a family-owned brand dedicated to producing premium Pisco using time-honored methods. Made in the Ica region, where the terroir enhances grape quality, Capurro Pisco Acholado reflects a legacy of passion, tradition, and respect for Peru's national spirit. The Capurro family has played a pivotal role in preserving and promoting the cultural significance of Pisco.
Experience It:
Elevate your cocktail game or savor it straight to appreciate the authentic craftsmanship behind Capurro Pisco Acholado. With every sip, you’ll journey through the rich history and vibrant flavors of Peru