American Born Apple Pie Moonshine 750 ml
American Born Apple Pie Moonshine 750 ml
American Born Apple Pie Moonshine is a flavorful, sweet spirit that combines the bold warmth of traditional moonshine with the delicious taste of apple pie. Made with a blend of high-quality moonshine, cinnamon, and apple, it brings the comforting flavors of a freshly baked apple pie with every sip. On the nose, it offers aromas of spiced apple, cinnamon, and a hint of vanilla. The palate is smooth and sweet, with vibrant apple flavors, warm cinnamon spice, and a touch of buttery crust-like richness. The finish is warm and slightly sweet, with lingering cinnamon and apple notes. American Born Apple Pie Moonshine is perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or mixing into cocktails like apple pie cocktails or a warm apple cider drink, providing a fun and flavorful twist on traditional moonshine.