Ardbeg Corryvreckan 750 ml
Ardbeg Corryvreckan 750 ml
Ardbeg Corryvreckan is a bold and complex Islay single malt Scotch whisky, renowned for its intense peat smoke and deep, rich flavors. Named after the powerful whirlpool off the coast of Islay, Corryvreckan captures the wild, untamed spirit of the island. Aged in a combination of bourbon and sherry casks, this whisky offers an intricate flavor profile. On the nose, it presents aromas of smoky peat, rich oak, and dark fruits, with hints of spices and vanilla. The palate is full-bodied and intense, with layers of peat smoke, black pepper, leather, and a subtle sweetness from the sherry casks. The finish is long and warming, with lingering smoky notes and a touch of spice. Ardbeg Corryvreckan is perfect for those who enjoy bold, peaty whiskies, offering a powerful and unforgettable experience.