Balcones Texas Pot Still Bourbon 750 ml
Balcones Texas Pot Still Bourbon 750 ml
Balcones Texas Pot Still Bourbon is a bold and flavorful bourbon whiskey produced by the Balcones Distillery in Waco, Texas. This whiskey is made from a mash bill that includes a blend of Texas-grown corn, barley, and rye, and is distilled in small copper pot stills. It’s known for its full-bodied, rich profile, and unique character, influenced by the hot Texas climate, which accelerates the aging process and imparts deeper flavors.
The whiskey has a warm amber color and offers a rich nose with aromas of caramel, vanilla, toasted oak, and a hint of spice. On the palate, it’s smooth and full-bodied, with layers of toffee, brown sugar, dark fruit, and a touch of spice from the rye. The finish is long, with lingering notes of oak, vanilla, and a touch of black pepper.