Willett Small Batch Cask Strength Rye 4 year 750 ml
Willett Small Batch Cask Strength Rye 4 year 750 ml
Willett Small Batch Cask Strength Rye 4 Year is a bold and full-flavored rye whiskey known for its high-proof and robust character. Aged for 4 years in charred oak barrels, this cask strength expression showcases the spicy, peppery notes typical of rye, with added depth from its longer aging. On the nose, it presents aromas of rye spice, oak, and a hint of vanilla, with subtle undertones of caramel and dried fruit. The palate is intense and complex, with rich flavors of baking spices, toffee, dark fruit, and a touch of oak, all balanced by the strength of its cask proof. The finish is long and warming, with lingering spice, oak, and a hint of sweetness. Willett Small Batch Cask Strength Rye 4 Year is perfect for those who enjoy a robust, high-proof rye whiskey, ideal for sipping neat, on the rocks, or mixing into premium cocktails like a rye old fashioned or Manhattan.