Bird Dog Blackberry 750 ml
Bird Dog Blackberry 750 ml
Bird Dog Blackberry is a flavored whiskey that combines the smoothness of Bird Dog Bourbon with the sweet, tangy essence of ripe blackberries. This whiskey offers a delicious balance of rich bourbon flavor and the natural sweetness of blackberry, creating a smooth and approachable profile. On the nose, it presents vibrant aromas of fresh blackberries, with a hint of caramel and vanilla from the bourbon. The palate is smooth and full-bodied, with bold blackberry flavors complemented by the warmth of the bourbon and subtle notes of spice and oak. The finish is long and slightly sweet, with lingering fruit notes. Bird Dog Blackberry is perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or mixing into cocktails like a blackberry whiskey lemonade or a fruity whiskey sour, offering a fun and flavorful twist on traditional whiskey.