The Kraken Black Spiced 70 proof Black Label 750 ml
The Kraken Black Spiced 70 proof Black Label 750 ml
The Kraken Black Spiced Rum White Label is a smooth and bold rum with a distinct spiced flavor, created from a blend of Caribbean rums and a unique mix of spices. Known for its dark, mysterious character, this white label expression offers a lighter yet still rich take on The Kraken's signature spiced profile. On the nose, it presents aromas of vanilla, brown sugar, and warm spices, with a subtle hint of citrus. The palate is smooth, with flavors of vanilla, molasses, and a combination of spices like cinnamon and nutmeg, balanced by a light sweetness. The finish is clean, with lingering notes of spice and a touch of rum's natural warmth. The Kraken Black Spiced Rum White Label is perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or mixing into cocktails like a rum punch or classic spiced rum and cola, offering a flavorful and versatile rum experience