Sugarlands Shine Blackberry Blockaders Moonshine 750 ml
Sugarlands Shine Blackberry Blockaders Moonshine 750 ml
Sugarlands Shine Blackberry Blockaders Moonshine is a flavorful, fruit-infused moonshine that combines the rich sweetness of ripe blackberries with the bold, smooth character of traditional moonshine. Crafted by Sugarlands Distilling Co., this spirit is made with a blend of high-quality ingredients, offering a refreshing and vibrant taste. On the nose, it delivers the unmistakable aroma of fresh, juicy blackberries, balanced by the warmth of the moonshine. The palate is smooth and full-bodied, with an upfront burst of blackberry flavor, complemented by a touch of sweetness and a subtle kick from the moonshine. The finish is clean and slightly sweet, with lingering berry notes. Sugarlands Shine Blackberry Blockaders Moonshine is perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or in cocktails like berry mojitos or fruit punches, providing a fun, flavorful experience with every sip.