Ole Smoky Cherries Moonshine 750 ml
Ole Smoky Cherries Moonshine 750 ml
Ole Smoky Cherries Moonshine is a flavorful, sweet moonshine infused with whole cherries, offering a fun and vibrant twist on the classic Appalachian moonshine. The smooth, clear shine is complemented by the rich, juicy sweetness of cherries, giving it a well-balanced fruity flavor with a hint of spice from the corn-based spirit. On the nose, it presents inviting aromas of ripe cherries and a touch of vanilla. The palate is sweet and smooth, with the taste of fresh cherries and light spice, leading to a clean, slightly sweet finish. Perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or mixing into cocktails like a cherry mojito or a sweet whiskey sour, Ole Smoky Cherries Moonshine is a refreshing, fruity spirit ideal for casual gatherings or special occasions.