Nikka Coffey Gin 750 ml
Nikka Coffey Gin 750 ml
Nikka Coffey Gin is a sophisticated and innovative Japanese gin, crafted by the renowned Nikka Distillery. Distilled using the same Coffey stills that are famously used for their whisky production, this gin stands out with its smooth and complex flavor profile. The Coffey still allows for the infusion of a wide range of botanicals, making for a rich and aromatic gin that captures the essence of Japan.
On the nose, Nikka Coffey Gin offers a fresh, citrus-forward aroma, with vibrant notes of yuzu, lemon, and orange peel, balanced by the earthy undertones of traditional gin botanicals like juniper and angelica root. As you sip, the palate reveals a harmonious blend of citrus, floral, and herbal flavors, with subtle hints of spices and a delicate sweetness. The finish is crisp and refreshing, with lingering citrus notes and a smooth, herbal aftertaste.
Bottled at 750 ml, Nikka Coffey Gin is perfect for those who enjoy a gin with depth and complexity. Ideal for sipping or crafting high-end gin cocktails, it’s an exceptional choice for anyone looking to explore the art of Japanese gin.