Cragganmore 12 Year 750 ml
Cragganmore 12 Year 750 ml
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$82.99 USD
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$82.99 USD
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Cragganmore 12 Year (750 ml) is a refined Speyside single malt Scotch whisky known for its complexity and elegance. Aged for 12 years in a combination of American oak and European oak casks, this whisky offers a well-balanced flavor profile with notes of honey, vanilla, fruit, and a touch of spice. The influence of the oak casks brings a hint of toffee and almond, along with a subtle smokiness that adds depth to its smooth, mellow character.
With its light, fresh, and slightly sweet profile, Cragganmore 12 Year is ideal for sipping neat, with a splash of water, or in classic whisky cocktails. It’s a great choice for those who appreciate a sophisticated, smooth whisky with a touch of complexity.