Craigellachie 17 Year 750 ml
Craigellachie 17 Year 750 ml
Craigellachie 17 Year Single Malt Scotch Whisky 750 ML
Dive into the rich complexity of Speyside with Craigellachie 17 Year, a single malt whisky that stands out for its bold and unconventional character. Aged to perfection, this 17-year-old expression delivers a full-bodied profile with a delightful balance of sweetness and spice. On the nose, enjoy aromas of baked apples, honeyed malt, and a subtle wisp of smoke. The palate reveals layers of juicy tropical fruit, creamy vanilla, and warm cinnamon, rounded off with a lingering finish of toasted oak and gentle spice.
A Speyside Original Since 1891
Known for its distinctive use of worm tub condensers, Craigellachie offers a robust and meaty spirit that pays homage to traditional whisky-making methods. The 17-year-old expression showcases the distillery’s commitment to crafting whisky with depth, texture, and a touch of rebellion.
Savor the Spirit of Speyside
Whether you’re a whisky aficionado or a curious newcomer, Craigellachie 17 Year promises a unique and memorable experience. Perfect for sipping neat or sharing with friends, this single malt is a testament to Speyside’s enduring legacy. Add it to your collection today and indulge in a true masterpiece.