Siete Leguas D' Antano Extra Anejo 750ml
Siete Leguas D' Antano Extra Anejo 750ml
Siete Leguas D'Antano Extra Añejo Tequila (750ml) is a luxurious, small-batch tequila that showcases the rich heritage and craftsmanship of Siete Leguas, one of Mexico's most respected tequila producers. D'Antano is a blend of exceptionally aged Extra Añejo tequilas, carefully crafted to create a smooth and complex sipping experience.
Aged for several years in oak barrels, this tequila develops deep, rich flavors of caramel, vanilla, spiced oak, and dried fruit, with a hint of agave sweetness and a touch of smoke. The result is a beautifully balanced and refined tequila with a long, warm finish, perfect for sipping neat or enjoying in high-end cocktails.
Siete Leguas D'Antano Extra Añejo is a standout expression for connoisseurs seeking an ultra-premium, well-aged tequila. Its depth, smoothness, and complexity make it a true masterpiece, ideal for those looking to indulge in an exceptional tequila experience.