Stauning Danish Smoke Single Malt Whisky 750 ml
Stauning Danish Smoke Single Malt Whisky 750 ml
Stauning Danish Smoke Single Malt Whisky
750 ml | A Bold and Smoky Whisky from Denmark
Explore the distinctive, smoky flavors of Stauning Danish Smoke Single Malt Whisky, a bold and adventurous whisky that pushes the boundaries of traditional Scotch whisky-making. Crafted using locally malted barley and a unique Danish smoking process, this single malt offers layers of rich peat smoke, toasted wood, and earthy flavors, complemented by a smooth sweetness of honey, vanilla, and a touch of dried fruit. The finish is long, smoky, and warming, with a subtle spice that lingers on the palate.
A Danish Innovation in Whisky-Making
Stauning Danish Smoke is the result of a unique combination of traditional whisky-making methods and a distinctly Danish approach to smoking malt. The use of locally sourced peat and hardwood imparts a smoky depth that is distinct from other smoky whiskies, creating an experience that is both bold and smooth.
A Whisky for the Bold
Perfect for whisky enthusiasts who appreciate a smoky, full-bodied dram, Stauning Danish Smoke is best enjoyed neat or with a splash of water to reveal its layers of flavor. Secure your 750 ml bottle today at and discover the innovation and complexity of this exceptional Danish whisky.