De Matachines Ahualuco 750 ml
De Matachines Ahualuco 750 ml
De Matachines Ahualuco (750 ml) is an artisanal mezcal crafted from the Ahualuco agave in the Oaxaca region of Mexico. Known for its unique flavor profile, this mezcal is made using traditional, small-batch methods, including cooking the agave in earth ovens and distilling in copper stills.
Expect a smoky, earthy base, with layered flavors of herbs, citrus, and a touch of floral sweetness. The mezcal has a smooth, complex finish with a mild spice and a warm, earthy character that reflects the unique terroir of the Ahualuco agave.
Perfect for sipping neat, in high-end cocktails, or exploring the depth of artisanal mezcal, De Matachines Ahualuco is ideal for those who appreciate a refined, traditional spirit with a rich, distinctive flavor