De Matachines Penasco 750 ml
De Matachines Penasco 750 ml
De Matachines Peñasco 750 ML
Experience the spirit of tradition with De Matachines Peñasco, a premium tequila that showcases the heart and soul of Mexico’s agave-growing regions. Crafted with care, this expression blends rich flavors with a smooth finish, offering an unforgettable tequila experience. The nose opens with a delicate bouquet of agave sweetness, citrus zest, and light floral notes. On the palate, enjoy a well-balanced profile of agave-forward flavors, complemented by hints of vanilla, toasted oak, and a touch of pepper. The finish is smooth and warming, with a light agave sweetness that lingers.
Crafted in the Heart of Jalisco
Produced in the legendary agave fields of Jalisco, De Matachines Peñasco is distilled with precision to highlight the natural essence of blue agave. The expression captures the essence of Mexican heritage while delivering a refined and smooth taste.
A Tribute to Tradition
Perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or in cocktails, De Matachines Peñasco embodies the craftsmanship and rich history of tequila-making. Elevate your tequila collection with this elegant and flavorful expression, and savor the authentic taste of Mexico.