Woodford Reserve Double Oaked Bourbon 750 ml
Woodford Reserve Double Oaked Bourbon 750 ml
Woodford Reserve Double Oaked Bourbon is a premium small-batch bourbon known for its rich, complex flavor profile and smooth finish. This unique bourbon is aged first in traditional charred oak barrels, then transferred to a second, toasted oak barrel for additional aging, which imparts deep, caramelized flavors and a rich amber color. On the nose, it offers aromas of rich caramel, vanilla, and toasted oak, with subtle hints of spice. The palate is full-bodied, with flavors of dark fruit, honey, chocolate, and a touch of smoke, leading to a long, warm finish with lingering notes of oak and toffee. Woodford Reserve Double Oaked is perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or in bourbon-based cocktails, offering a refined and luxurious whiskey experience.