The Balvenie Double Wood 12 Years 750ml
The Balvenie Double Wood 12 Years 750ml
The Balvenie DoubleWood 12 Year Old is a Speyside single malt Scotch whisky renowned for its rich and layered flavor profile, achieved through a unique two-cask aging process. It is first matured in traditional whisky casks and then transferred to European oak sherry casks for additional aging, imparting complexity and depth.
On the nose, it offers sweet aromas of dried fruits, toasted nuts, and hints of cinnamon. The palate is smooth and rich, with flavors of honey, vanilla, sherry, and a touch of spice. The finish is long and warming, with lingering notes of oak and dried fruits. Perfect for sipping neat or enjoying in sophisticated whisky cocktails, this expression exemplifies The Balvenie's commitment to craftsmanship and innovation.