Barrell Dovetail 750 ml
Barrell Dovetail 750 ml
Barrell Dovetail is a unique and premium bourbon whiskey known for its bold, complex flavors and innovative aging process. This small-batch whiskey is carefully crafted by blending carefully selected bourbons and finishing them in a variety of casks, including those that previously held rum, port, and Cabernet Sauvignon wine, which imparts a distinct character. On the nose, it offers aromas of dark fruit, caramel, and a touch of oak, with subtle hints of spice and sweetness. The palate is full-bodied and rich, with layers of dried fruit, honey, chocolate, and a hint of baking spice, leading to a smooth, lingering finish with notes of oak, vanilla, and light smokiness. Barrell Dovetail is perfect for sipping neat or on the rocks, offering a truly unique and refined whiskey experience.