Nolets Dry Gin Silver 750 ml
Nolets Dry Gin Silver 750 ml
Nolet’s Dry Gin Silver is a premium gin known for its distinctive, smooth flavor profile and the use of unique botanicals. Made in the Netherlands, it features a blend of traditional gin botanicals such as juniper, angelica root, and citrus, along with more unconventional ingredients like Turkish rose, peach, and raspberry, creating a fruity and floral gin with a light, crisp character. On the nose, it offers delicate aromas of rose, peach, and citrus, while the palate is clean and fresh, with layers of bright fruit, floral notes, and a touch of juniper, balanced by a smooth, slightly sweet finish. Nolet’s Dry Gin Silver is perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or mixing into cocktails like a classic gin and tonic or a refreshing gin fizz, providing a refined and elegant gin experience