Barrell Whiskey DSX2 750ml
Barrell Whiskey DSX2 750ml
Barrell Whiskey DSX2 (750 ml) is a distinctive, high-proof American whiskey from Barrell Craft Spirits, known for their bold and complex releases. The DSX2 expression is a blend of carefully selected barrels, including whiskey aged in a mix of American oak and sherry casks, which adds layers of depth and richness to the flavor profile.
Expect flavors of dark fruit, spices, vanilla, and toffee, with a hint of oak and a subtle sweetness from the sherry cask influence. The high proof brings out the bold character, while maintaining smoothness and balance. Ideal for whiskey enthusiasts who enjoy full-bodied, layered spirits, perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or with a splash of water to open up the flavors