Duke Double Barrel Founders Reserve Rye 750 ml
Duke Double Barrel Founders Reserve Rye 750 ml
Duke Double Barrel Founders Reserve Rye
750 ml | A Bold and Refined Rye Whiskey
Indulge in the complexity of Duke Double Barrel Founders Reserve Rye, a premium rye whiskey that combines rich flavor with a bold finish. Aged in both new American oak and specially charred barrels, this whiskey offers deep notes of caramel, toasted oak, and spices, with hints of dried fruit and a touch of vanilla. The finish is smooth yet robust, with a satisfying warmth that lingers.
Crafted for the Connoisseur
Produced with meticulous care, Duke Double Barrel Founders Reserve Rye is the result of a two-barrel aging process that enhances its character, blending the traditional rye spiciness with the sweet, smoky depth of the double-barrel technique. This expression represents the pinnacle of craftsmanship, making it a standout choice for rye enthusiasts.
A Rye to Remember
Whether enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or in a classic cocktail, Duke Double Barrel Founders Reserve Rye offers a distinctive and elevated drinking experience. Secure your 750 ml bottle today at OMGCheers.com and savor the bold elegance of this exceptional rye whiskey.