Gallo Extra Dry Vermouth 750ml
Gallo Extra Dry Vermouth 750ml
Gallo Extra Dry Vermouth 750ml
Product Description
Gallo Extra Dry Vermouth 750ml is a crisp, aromatic, and versatile Italian-style vermouth, perfect for enhancing your cocktails or enjoying on its own. This dry vermouth features a balanced blend of botanicals, herbs, and spices, with a delicate floral note and a touch of citrus, making it a go-to mixer for classic drinks like the Martini, Manhattan, or Negroni. The 750ml bottle offers a generous amount of this refreshing, sophisticated vermouth, ideal for both home bartenders and professional mixologists.
History of Gallo Vermouth
Gallo Vermouth is produced by the Gallo family, known for their long-standing history in winemaking. Founded in 1933, Gallo has since become one of the most respected names in the wine and spirits industry. Their vermouths, including the Extra Dry Vermouth, are crafted using high-quality wine and a proprietary blend of botanicals, offering a premium product that adds depth and complexity to any cocktail.
Experience Gallo Extra Dry Vermouth
Gallo Extra Dry Vermouth is perfect for those who enjoy classic cocktails with a sophisticated twist. Whether you’re shaking up a Martini, crafting a refreshing spritz, or creating your own signature drink, this vermouth adds the right balance of dryness, herbal complexity, and crispness. It’s also delightful when served chilled on the rocks with a twist of lemon.
Ready to elevate your cocktails? Gallo Extra Dry Vermouth 750ml is the ideal choice for both simple and complex drinks with an elegant, dry finish!