Glenfiddich Bourbon Barrel 14 Year Old 750 ml
Glenfiddich Bourbon Barrel 14 Year Old 750 ml
Glenfiddich Bourbon Barrel 14 Year Old is a unique single malt Scotch whisky that has been aged for 14 years in a combination of traditional oak casks and carefully selected bourbon barrels. This double maturation process gives the whisky a distinctive flavor profile, with the richness of Glenfiddich’s signature malt enhanced by the influence of American bourbon casks. On the nose, it offers aromas of toffee, vanilla, and fresh fruit, with a subtle hint of spice and oak. The palate is rich and smooth, with flavors of honey, citrus, and caramel, complemented by a gentle smokiness and the sweet, oaky notes derived from the bourbon barrels. The finish is long and warming, with lingering flavors of vanilla, oak, and a touch of fruit. Glenfiddich Bourbon Barrel 14 Year Old is perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or in whisky-based cocktails, offering a rich, complex, and well-balanced whisky experience.