Gray Whale Gin Cali Botanicals 750 ml
Gray Whale Gin Cali Botanicals 750 ml
Gray Whale Gin Cali Botanicals is a craft gin that highlights the natural beauty and flavors of California, infused with a selection of botanicals sourced from the Golden State. Made with a base of juniper berries and a variety of botanicals, including almonds, fennel, and sea kelp, it offers a unique and vibrant flavor profile. On the nose, it presents fresh, citrusy aromas with hints of floral notes and a subtle herbal complexity. The palate is smooth and well-balanced, with flavors of zesty citrus, a touch of sweet almond, and earthy fennel, rounded off with a slight brininess from the sea kelp. The finish is clean and refreshing, with lingering citrus and herbal notes. Gray Whale Gin Cali Botanicals is perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or in cocktails like a gin and tonic or a classic martini, providing a distinctive and flavorful gin experience.