Clase Azul Guerrero 750ml
Clase Azul Guerrero 750ml
Clase Azul Guerrero (750ml) is an exceptional and rare tequila that showcases the craftsmanship and artistry of the Clase Azul brand. Made from 100% blue agave, Clase Azul Guerrero is a small-batch, ultra-premium Añejo tequila that is aged in oak barrels, which imparts rich flavors of vanilla, caramel, and subtle spice, complemented by the natural sweetness of agave.
The distinctive decanter is hand-crafted by artisans in Mexico, featuring a vibrant, intricate design that reflects the culture and heritage of the Guerrero region. This tequila offers a smooth, full-bodied profile with a long, velvety finish, making it a perfect sipping tequila for connoisseurs and collectors alike.
With its unique character and luxurious packaging, Clase Azul Guerrero is a standout choice for those seeking a top-tier tequila experience.