Hendricks Gin 1.75 L
Hendricks Gin 1.75 L
Hendrick's Gin
1.75 L | A Curiously Unusual Gin with Distinctive Flavors
Discover the unique, refreshing flavor of Hendrick’s Gin, a world-renowned spirit that sets itself apart with an unconventional blend of botanicals. Made in small batches, this gin combines 11 carefully selected botanicals, including juniper, coriander, and the signature essence of rose and cucumber, creating an extraordinary flavor profile that is smooth, fresh, and lightly floral. The nose is greeted with crisp notes of cucumber and rose petal, followed by hints of citrus and a touch of spice. On the palate, Hendrick's delivers a well-balanced, refreshing combination of floral, herbal, and citrus flavors, with a clean, crisp finish.
The Art of Infusion
Hendrick’s Gin is distilled using an innovative method, combining two different stills: a traditional copper pot still and a rare Carter-Head still. This method allows the distillers to capture the freshest, most aromatic flavors from the botanicals, resulting in a gin that is rich, full of character, and unlike any other.
A Gin for All Occasions
Perfect for gin enthusiasts and those who enjoy a unique twist on classic cocktails, Hendrick’s Gin is ideal for crafting signature cocktails like the classic gin and tonic, a refreshing cucumber gin fizz, or a sophisticated martini. Secure your 1.75 L bottle today at OMGCheers.com and experience the delightfully curiously unusual flavors of Hendrick’s Gin.