High West High Country Single Malt Whiskey - 750 ML
High West High Country Single Malt Whiskey - 750 ML
High West High Country Single Malt Whiskey is a smooth and complex American single malt whiskey that is aged in a combination of new and used American oak barrels. It has a rich amber color with golden highlights.
On the nose, the whiskey has a delicate and complex aroma with notes of honey, toasted oak, vanilla, and caramel. There are also hints of dried fruit, nuts, and spices, which add to the depth and complexity of the fragrance.
On the palate, the taste is full and rich, with flavors of vanilla, toffee, and dark chocolate. There are also subtle notes of dried fruit, roasted nuts, and a hint of spice, which provide a nice balance to the sweetness of the whiskey. The mouthfeel is smooth and velvety, with a slight warmth that lingers on the tongue.
The finish is long and lingering, with a pleasant aftertaste of oak, vanilla, and caramel. Overall, High West High Country Single Malt Whiskey is a complex and well-balanced whiskey that showcases the best of American single malt. It is a whiskey that can be enjoyed neat or on the rocks, and it pairs well with a variety of foods.