Shenk's Kentucky Sour Mash 750 ml
Shenk's Kentucky Sour Mash 750 ml
Shenk’s Kentucky Sour Mash 750 ML
Delve into the depth of Shenk’s Kentucky Sour Mash, a refined whiskey that blends tradition with modern craftsmanship. Made using a unique sour mash process, this bourbon offers a distinctive profile with layers of complexity. The nose greets you with a bouquet of caramel, toasted oak, and vanilla, underscored by hints of dried fruit and a touch of spice. The palate reveals a harmonious blend of sweet corn, honey, and rich malt, with gentle notes of cinnamon and pepper. The finish is smooth and warm, leaving a lingering sweetness balanced by subtle oak and a touch of rye spice.
A Masterpiece of Heritage and Innovation
Shenk’s Kentucky Sour Mash honors the time-honored whiskey-making techniques of Kentucky, yet it stands out with its bold, innovative spirit. The sour mash process contributes to its signature smoothness and complexity, making it a standout choice for both whiskey aficionados and those new to the craft.
Enjoy the Craft of Kentucky
Whether sipped neat, with a splash of water, or in your favorite whiskey cocktail, Shenk’s Kentucky Sour Mash offers a sophisticated drinking experience. Add this rich and flavorful whiskey to your collection and savor the essence of Kentucky craftsmanship in every sip.