Kyoto Distillery KI NO BI Dry Gin - 750 ML
Kyoto Distillery KI NO BI Dry Gin - 750 ML
Kyoto Distillery KI NO BI Dry Gin is a premium gin made by the Kyoto Distillery in Japan. Here are some tasting notes to help you better understand its flavor profile:
Appearance: The gin has a clear and transparent appearance, with a slight hint of greenish-yellow color.
Aroma: The aroma is complex and herbal, with notes of juniper, yuzu, lemon, and green tea. There are also hints of ginger and orris root, which give the gin a spicy and floral aroma.
Taste: The taste is smooth and well-balanced, with a complex and layered flavor profile. The flavors of juniper, yuzu, and lemon from the aroma continue on the palate, with a hint of green tea and pepper. The gin has a subtle sweetness, with a touch of bitterness and a long and refreshing finish.
Mouthfeel: Kyoto Distillery KI NO BI Dry Gin has a silky and smooth mouthfeel, with a light to medium body that coats the tongue. The gin is well-rounded and complex, with a pleasant warmth that spreads through the chest.
Overall, this Japanese gin is a great choice for those who enjoy a complex and well-balanced flavor profile with a hint of herbal and spicy notes. It's best enjoyed in a classic gin and tonic or in a martini to fully appreciate its unique characteristics.