Michters Limited Release Barrel Strength Rye Straight 750 ml
Michters Limited Release Barrel Strength Rye Straight 750 ml
Michter's Limited Release Barrel Strength Rye Straight is a highly sought-after, premium rye whiskey known for its bold and intense flavor profile. Bottled at cask strength, this whiskey retains the full, unadulterated richness of the rye, with a higher proof that delivers a more robust and complex taste. On the nose, it offers a deep blend of spicy rye, caramel, and vanilla, with subtle hints of oak and dark fruit. The palate is full-bodied, with layers of peppery spice, toffee, and a rich, warm oakiness that lingers through the finish. The higher proof gives it a warming, powerful finish, while the complexity of flavors makes it perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or in a refined cocktail. Michter's Limited Release Barrel Strength Rye is a true whiskey connoisseur's choice, celebrated for its depth and craftsmanship.