Straightaway Maple Old Fashioned 750 ml
Straightaway Maple Old Fashioned 750 ml
Savor the timeless sophistication of the classic Old Fashioned with a rich, maple-infused twist in Straightaway Maple Old Fashioned. This 750ml ready-to-drink cocktail is crafted with premium whiskey, real maple syrup, and a perfect balance of bitters and orange essence. The result is a smooth, flavorful experience with hints of caramel, spice, and warm maple sweetness.
Crafted for Convenience and Quality
Straightaway honors the art of mixology by using high-quality ingredients and expertly blending them to perfection. The Maple Old Fashioned delivers the sophistication of a handcrafted cocktail without the effort, making it ideal for any occasion.
Raise a Glass Anywhere
Serve it over ice with a twist of orange peel, or enjoy it neat for a bold and satisfying drink. Whether hosting a gathering or relaxing at home, Straightaway Maple Old Fashioned elevates your cocktail experience with ease and elegance.