Martell XO Cognac 750 ml
Martell XO Cognac 750 ml
Martell XO Cognac (750ml) is a premium, expertly crafted extra old (XO) Cognac from the prestigious Martell brand, one of the oldest and most respected producers in the region. Aged for a minimum of 10 years, with many of the eaux-de-vie used in the blend being much older, this Cognac delivers an exceptional depth and complexity.
Martell XO offers a rich, refined flavor profile with notes of dried fruit, spices, and honeyed sweetness, complemented by hints of cocoa, oak, and a touch of vanilla. The long aging process imbues the spirit with a silky, smooth texture and a warm, lingering finish that’s both elegant and satisfying.
Ideal for sipping neat or on the rocks, Martell XO Cognac is perfect for special occasions or as a gift for Cognac connoisseurs. Its balance of richness and finesse makes it a standout choice for those seeking a luxurious and timeless Cognac experience.