Oban Little Bay Single Malt 750 ml
Oban Little Bay Single Malt 750 ml
Oban Little Bay Single Malt 750 ml
A Masterful Expression in a Smaller Cask
Oban Little Bay Single Malt delivers the signature character of Oban in an intimate, bold expression. Crafted in small batches and finished in the distillery’s smallest oak casks, this whisky achieves exceptional depth and complexity, perfect for savoring neat or with a splash of water.
On the nose, enjoy rich aromas of orange zest, honey, and toasted spices. The palate offers layers of dried fruit, creamy caramel, and hints of sea salt, balanced by a gentle oak finish that lingers with warmth and elegance.
Crafted in the Heart of Oban
Nestled between the Highlands and the islands, the Oban distillery is renowned for its coastal influences and meticulous craftsmanship. Oban Little Bay exemplifies this heritage, distilling centuries of expertise into a whisky that’s both approachable and refined.
Perfect for Any Whisky Lover
Whether you're a seasoned Scotch enthusiast or exploring single malts, Oban Little Bay is a delightful addition to your collection. Secure your 750 ml bottle today at OMGCheers.com and immerse yourself in the rich flavors of this iconic coastal malt.