Ole Smoky Whiskey Mango Habanero 750 ml
Ole Smoky Whiskey Mango Habanero 750 ml
Ole Smoky Whiskey Mango Habanero is a bold and spicy flavored whiskey that combines the sweetness of ripe mangoes with the heat of habanero peppers. This unique moonshine offers a balanced fusion of tropical fruit and fiery spice, creating a dynamic and exciting flavor profile. On the nose, it presents aromas of fresh mango, tropical fruit, and a subtle kick of spice. The palate is smooth yet vibrant, with the sweet, juicy taste of mango complemented by the warming heat of habanero, providing a balance of sweet and spicy flavors. The finish is warm and lingering, with a spicy kick that leaves a memorable impression. Ole Smoky Whiskey Mango Habanero is perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or mixing into cocktails like spicy margaritas or tropical whiskey punches, offering a fiery twist on traditional whiskey.