Orphan Barrel Copper Tounge 16 Year 750 ml
Orphan Barrel Copper Tounge 16 Year 750 ml
Orphan Barrel Copper Tongue 16-Year-Old (750ml) is a rare and sought-after whiskey from the Orphan Barrel collection, known for rediscovering forgotten casks of exceptional quality. This 16-year-old single grain bourbon is crafted from a blend of grains, aged for over a decade and a half, and bottled with the signature craftsmanship that has made Orphan Barrel releases highly collectible.
The whiskey offers a rich, smooth profile with layers of caramel, butterscotch, and vanilla, complemented by deeper notes of spice, oak, and a hint of dark chocolate. The extended aging allows the whiskey to develop complexity, with a beautifully rounded texture and a warm, lingering finish.
Orphan Barrel Copper Tongue is perfect for connoisseurs and collectors who appreciate aged, grain-based whiskeys with a rich character and smooth finish. Its rarity and carefully curated blend of flavors make it a standout addition to any collection or a luxurious bottle to enjoy on special occasions.