Patron Reposado 750 ml
Patron Reposado 750 ml
Patrón Reposado is a premium tequila that offers a refined and smooth character, perfect for those who enjoy a more complex, aged spirit. Made from 100% Blue Weber agave, it is aged for at least two months in a combination of American oak and oak barrels from the Limousin region in France. This aging process gives Patrón Reposado its rich, golden color and imparts a smooth, well-rounded flavor profile. On the nose, it presents aromas of light oak, vanilla, and caramel, with subtle hints of citrus and agave. The palate is smooth and balanced, with flavors of cooked agave, vanilla, honey, and a gentle spice, all complemented by the oak influence. The finish is long and warming, with lingering notes of agave and a touch of sweet oak. Patrón Reposado is perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or mixing into premium tequila cocktails like margaritas or palomas, providing a smooth and sophisticated tequila experience.