Willett Pot Still Bourbon 750 ml
Willett Pot Still Bourbon 750 ml
Willett Pot Still Bourbon is a highly regarded small-batch bourbon, known for its distinctive pot still-shaped bottle and rich, complex flavor profile. Crafted from a blend of carefully selected bourbons, this whiskey offers a bold and full-bodied experience with layers of sweetness and spice. On the nose, it presents aromas of caramel, vanilla, and oak, with subtle hints of dried fruit and spice. The palate is smooth and well-balanced, with flavors of rich toffee, honey, and a touch of baking spice, complemented by a warm, slightly smoky finish. Willett Pot Still Bourbon is perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or mixing into bourbon-based cocktails, offering a refined and flavorful bourbon experience for whiskey enthusiasts.