Pussers Rum (Original) 750 ml
Pussers Rum (Original) 750 ml
Pusser's Rum (Original) is a rich and full-bodied rum crafted in the traditional style of the British Navy, known for its complex flavor profile and history. Made from a blend of dark rum, molasses, and sugarcane, it is aged in oak barrels, which imparts deep, warming notes of caramel, toffee, and spices. On the nose, it offers aromas of rich molasses, vanilla, and a hint of oak. The palate is smooth and robust, with flavors of dark fruit, brown sugar, and toasted oak, balanced by a slight smokiness and spices. The finish is long and satisfying, with lingering notes of molasses, vanilla, and a subtle warmth. Pusser's Rum (Original) is perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or mixing into classic rum cocktails like a rum punch or a Painkiller, offering an authentic and flavorful rum experience.