RumChata Horchata Con Ron 750 ml
RumChata Horchata Con Ron 750 ml
RumChata Horchata Con Ron is a creamy, indulgent liqueur that combines the traditional flavors of horchata with the richness of Caribbean rum. It features a smooth blend of cinnamon, vanilla, and sugar, with a hint of rice milk, creating a sweet, comforting profile. The addition of rum gives it a slight warmth and depth, while still maintaining the creamy, dessert-like essence of the horchata. On the nose, it offers aromas of cinnamon, vanilla, and spice, while the palate is rich and velvety, with flavors of sweet cream, cinnamon, and a subtle rum finish. RumChata Horchata Con Ron is perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or mixing into cocktails like a RumChata White Russian or Horchata Martini, offering a sweet and flavorful experience for those who enjoy creamy liqueurs.