Jim Beam Single Barrel Bourbon Whiskey 750 ml
Jim Beam Single Barrel Bourbon Whiskey 750 ml
Jim Beam Single Barrel Bourbon Whiskey is a premium, handcrafted bourbon that offers a refined and full-bodied experience. Distilled from the signature Jim Beam recipe and aged in charred oak barrels, it showcases rich, complex flavors that make it stand out from the regular Jim Beam lineup. On the nose, it delivers aromas of caramel, vanilla, and oak, with subtle hints of dried fruit and spice. The palate is smooth and rich, with flavors of toffee, toasted oak, and a touch of honey, balanced by a gentle spice and warmth. The finish is long and satisfying, with lingering notes of vanilla, oak, and a slight smokiness. Jim Beam Single Barrel is perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or mixing into premium cocktails like an Old Fashioned, offering a high-quality, well-balanced bourbon experience