Brenne Single Malt Whisky 750 ml
Brenne Single Malt Whisky 750 ml
Brenne Single Malt Whisky is a unique and refined French whisky that offers a smooth, rich flavor profile with a distinctive character. Distilled in the Cognac region of France, Brenne is crafted from 100% malted barley and aged in a combination of French Limousin oak barrels and used Cognac casks, which give it a refined complexity. On the nose, it presents aromas of honey, dried fruit, vanilla, and a hint of oak. The palate is smooth and well-balanced, with flavors of caramel, toffee, and orchard fruit, complemented by a subtle spice from the oak and a touch of floral sweetness. The finish is long and mellow, with lingering notes of vanilla, oak, and dried fruit. Brenne Single Malt Whisky is perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or enjoying in whisky cocktails, providing a sophisticated and flavorful experience with a French twist.