Old Carter Straight Rye Whiskey #12 750 ml
Old Carter Straight Rye Whiskey #12 750 ml
Old Carter Straight Rye Whiskey Batch #12 (750ml) is a highly anticipated, limited-edition release from the Old Carter Distillery. Known for their exceptional small-batch craftsmanship, this rye whiskey offers a complex and bold flavor profile with layers of rich spice, caramel, oak, dark fruit, and a touch of honey sweetness. The rye's signature peppery warmth is balanced by a smooth, slightly creamy finish that lingers with hints of vanilla and toasted oak.
Batch #12 continues Old Carter's tradition of producing premium, well-balanced rye whiskeys with a deep, full-bodied character. As a limited release, it’s perfect for collectors and rye whiskey enthusiasts looking for an extraordinary, high-quality expression that delivers a unique and unforgettable drinking experience.