Stranahans Diamond Peak Colorado 750 ml
Stranahans Diamond Peak Colorado 750 ml
Stranahan's Diamond Peak Colorado is a premium single malt whiskey, crafted in small batches using Colorado's pure mountain water and the finest ingredients. Aged in a combination of American oak and sherry casks, it offers a rich, complex flavor profile. On the nose, it delivers aromas of dried fruit, oak, and a touch of spice, while the palate is smooth and full-bodied with flavors of caramel, toffee, and toasted nuts. The sherry cask aging imparts a subtle sweetness, complemented by the rich malt character and a hint of spice. The finish is long and warm, with lingering notes of oak and vanilla. Stranahan's Diamond Peak is perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or in whiskey-based cocktails, offering a refined and distinctive Colorado whiskey experience.