Suntory Hibiki Harmony 750 ml
Suntory Hibiki Harmony 750 ml
Suntory Hibiki Harmony is a refined and elegant blended Japanese whisky, known for its harmonious balance of flavors. Crafted by the House of Suntory, Hibiki Harmony blends a variety of malt and grain whiskies, some of which are aged in a range of casks, including American oak, sherry, and Japanese Mizunara oak, which adds unique complexity to the spirit. On the nose, it offers aromas of honey, orange peel, and delicate floral notes, with hints of oak and spice. The palate is smooth and well-rounded, with flavors of dried fruit, vanilla, and a subtle woodiness, complemented by a light touch of spice and a hint of smoke. The finish is long and soft, with lingering notes of honey and oak. Suntory Hibiki Harmony is perfect for sipping neat, on the rocks, or with a splash of water, providing a beautifully balanced and sophisticated whisky experience