Azulejos Talavera Anejo 750 ml
Azulejos Talavera Anejo 750 ml
Azulejos Talavera Añejo (750 ml) is a premium Tequila Añejo made from 100% blue agave, crafted with care and aged for a rich, complex flavor profile.
Aging: This Tequila is aged for at least one year in oak barrels, which imparts a smooth, refined character with deep notes of vanilla, caramel, toasted oak, and a hint of spice.
Flavor Profile: Azulejos Talavera Añejo offers a well-balanced combination of rich agave sweetness, subtle woodiness, and a warm, velvety finish. The aging process gives it a smoothness and depth that make it ideal for sipping.
Craftsmanship: Produced in small batches, this Tequila follows traditional methods, ensuring a high level of quality and attention to detail in every bottle.
Perfect for those who appreciate a premium, full-bodied tequila, Azulejos Talavera Añejo is great for sipping neat, on the rocks, or in upscale cocktails.